søndag 16. november 2014

7 reasons why you should watch Marco Polo on Netflix

1. The budget is high for a 10 episode pr season series, it is estimated to be around 50 million dollars to make before hitting Netflix

2. If you like travelling around the world this tv show is for you, you will see many parts of the world and one of them is Mongolia. The second place you will see is parts of China and you will learn about places you can go to if you want to see them from a historical standpoint.

3. If you like culture you will see the cultures of Mongolia and China in a bigger picture and see their history that makes their traditions that they bring to their life anno 20th century.

4. Its made by Netflix, a pay service that makes you see tv series by streaming. They are a good streaming service that has made good series like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black so they dont dissapoint while making series, they know the demographics and they now what you want to see by hard hitting statistics when you binge watch something on the streaming service.

5. Marco Polo was a real man in history that was famous for his traveling and adventures, but this alone will not hit home with viewers so this is made into a historical fiction like DaVincis Demons so you will watch it and get addicted to it

6. Both the first trailer and the featurette lets you see how amazing this series is going to be and how much work Netflix has put into it, so watch the trailer and get hooked by it


7. Marco Polo is also a clothing company that makes great polo shirts you can wear and then you will be a cool adventurer like Marco Polo, or just a man that loves fashion and wears his clothes so you can be an adventurer with your friends in the fashion world

søndag 2. november 2014

5 reasons why Agent Hobbs will go full beast in Furious 7

1. In the 5th installment he got beaten by Dom Toretto, it damaged his Pride shield. In the seventh Installment it seems he will go on hard on Jason Stathams big bad Ian Shaw to regain his Pride once more.

2. He is a Special Agent and in the 7th installment he will get new members on his team after getting betrayed by one of his team members(Gina Carano) in the 6th installment. I think he will investigate what happens with big bad Ian Shaw and track his movments before calling the troops of the Toretto family to join his crusade.

3. Agent Hobbs is one of the Good guys, you must root for the Good guys and you must admit he has a nice looking watch and Under Armour Sportswear

4. He can carry 2 guns, large guns and allround shot them at bad people

5. He can jump over long distances, piss of other military personell and does his job 24/7. I wonder how he can put that proteinshake in his shedule between missions and I wonder if he gets enough rest between his intense proteinshake drinking and work routine. Either way, Agent Hobbs is a workaholic

here is the trailer of Furious 7:

Written by your kind and nice wannabe neighbour Filmilen

Dawn of Planet of the Apes review(spoiler-free)


Dette er en film som handler om et menneskeskapt virus som gjør at menneskene dør ut, fåtall mennesker overlever og dermed blir det en konflikt mellom mennesker og aper. Du følger Cesar på apesiden der det ender opp med en fraksjon i apestedet, det samme med mennesket. Filmens handling føler disse to linære handlingene.

Real life similarities
- Simian Flu har en sterk resemblance til et annet virus som dreper mennesker spesiellt i året 2014 og det er blødningsviruset kalt ebola

- Bra CGI
- gode miljøeffekter
- god regi

skuespillere som utmerket seg
- Toby Kebbell som Koba

Hvor mange mil gir jeg
- 6 mil totalt